RCSLT Award and Honours winners for 2024 announced

25 October 2024

Awards and Honours for 2024 were made at our award ceremony, held in Birmingham on 24 October

Group photo of RCSLT Award and Honours winners for 2024 holding awards on stage.

We are delighted to announce the winners of the RCSLT Awards for 2024, celebrated at an in-person event in Birmingham. 

Awarding both Honours and the RCSLT Awards, the ceremony was attended by shortlisted nominees from across the UK, with the awards presented by the RCSLT President Nick Hewer, CEO Steve Jamieson and Chair Irma Donaldson.


Honours winners

Honours recognise leaders at all levels within and outside the profession who have made outstanding contributions for the benefit of service users and the profession itself. 

The Fellowships for 2024 were awarded to: 

  • Maria Luscombe 
  • Professor Cristina McKean 
  • Professor Lindsay Pennington

The Honorary Fellowships for 2024 were awarded to: 

  • Peter Bradley 
  • Professor Lucy Henry 
  • Alex Ruck Keene 
  • Phillip Robinson 


RCSLT Awards winners

The RCSLT Awards celebrate the impactful activities and achievements of those who have positively impacted the speech and language therapy profession or contributed to improving the lives of people with communication and/or swallowing needs. 

The winners are:  

Championing the value and impact of speech and language therapy


  • Kim Jenkins  – outstanding contributions to raising awareness of the role of SLTs within youth justice
  • Laura Cole – incorporating an SLT into the Greater Manchester mental health homeless service, providing access to the vulnerable homeless population 
Co-production with service-user partners and their families


  • Communication Café – co-creating a space for people with communication difficulties
  • The Coproduced EPID tool – early parent child interaction with deaf children
Developing and supporting the profession  
  • Head and Neck Integrated Team (HANIT): SLT fast-track education programme 
Excellence in research and development  
  • Kate Toft – evaluating the clinical utility and psychometric properties of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory questionnaire (MDADI) 
Fostering equality, diversity and inclusion 
  • Leigh Andrews: Change Communication – addressing communication barriers in homelessness services and beyond 
Innovative solutions and new ways of working  
  • Head and Neck Integrated Team (HANIT): SLT workforce model – developing a unique, integrated service working together across different organisations 
Inspiring leadership in speech and language therapy  
  • Lizzie King – leading on updating evidence on the use of thickened fluids to support patient care 
Rising star  
  • Paisley Ward
Highly commended
  • HCS Sheffield Dysarthria Clinic


Thank you to all of those who submitted nominations to this year’s awards and many thanks to those who were able to join us on the day. It was an amazing day, celebrating positive action within the profession and the hard work of speech and language therapists and their supporters.

For more information about the awards, the winners and to see a full list of nominees, visit our awards page. You can also view images from our awards ceremony below.

RCSLT Awards 2024