Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy

Find out more about the speech and language therapy profession

What is speech and language therapy?

Find out more about the speech and language therapy profession

How to find a speech and language therapist

Details on how you can find a speech and language therapist

Become a speech and language therapist

Explore the different routes to becoming a speech and language therapist

Where SLTS work

Explore the different settings SLTs work to learn about the varied roles


Find out more about the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) who regulate speech and language therapists

Inclusive communication

Find out more about inclusive communication and why it is adopted in speech and language therapy

Support and promote speech and language therapy in the UK

Promoting the profession

Find how you can help promote the profession and raise the profile of speech and language therapy in the UK

Supporting speech and language therapy in your work

Discover more about supporting speech and language therapy work as a member of a multi-disciplinary team

Delivering speech and language therapy courses

View the guidance for higher education institutions (HEIs) providing speech and language therapy courses

Workforce, education and training programme

Find out about our work to support the ongoing educational priorities for SLTs through all stages of their careers.

Guidance and clinical information

Service delivery

View our open access guidance on delivering quality speech and language therapy services

Clinical information

Explore our open-access clinical information for details about individual clinical areas

Speech and language therapy factsheets

Speech and language therapy factsheets

View our case study factsheets showing how speech and language therapy changes lives

Welsh language factsheets/Taflenni ffeithio Cymraeg

View the Welsh language factsheets and version of the speech and language therapy pages