Supporting speech and language therapy in your work

Find out more about supporting the principles of speech and language therapy and those delivering it

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Working with speech and language therapists

Whether you’re working with speech and language therapists (SLTs) and support workers as part of a multi-disciplinary team, or you want to raise awareness of the benefits of speech and language therapy, the RCSLT has developed resources to help you.

SLTs and support workers work in a number of different settings and with people of all ages with a wide variety of needs.  To find out more about the range of speech and language therapy interventions, settings and more visit our information on what speech and language therapy is and the areas it covers.

Speech and language therapists work in a number of professional settings, often alongside colleagues from different clinical backgrounds or professions.


The RCSLT has developed preceptorship guidance to help ensure that speech and language therapy clinicians can develop confidence and competence in their roles.

Preceptorships are recommended for speech and language therapists entering the profession, returning to the profession after a significant break or in bases where they are undertaking a significant change in their clinical and professional role or scope of practice (include international recruits).

Improve your awareness of speech and language therapy

The Box

Developed specifically to aid communication work in the justice system, The Box is a free, online learning service designed to give professionals in the justice system the ability to identify communication issues and the skills to support individuals experiencing them.

Communication Access UK

Find out more about inclusive communication and pledge your support to aid inclusive communication through the Communication Access website.

Health inequalities

Find out how health inequalities have an impact on people’s lives and how speech and language therapy can help mitigate this.

Find a speech and language therapist for your team

If you’re looking for a speech and language therapist to provide clinical support for someone with speech, language, communication or eating and swallowing needs, visit out page how to find a speech and language therapist.

If you’re looking to hire a speech and language therapist, you can place an advert on the RCLST jobs site.

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