Stoke speaks out

28 January 2020

The RCSLT and Public Health England have co-funded a pilot return-on-investment study regarding Stoke Speaks Out. It aims to inform national research regarding the importance of speech and language therapy interventions in public health.

Stoke Speaks Out is an award-winning multi-agency initiative developed to tackle a high incidence of language delay identified in children in Stoke-on-Trent. The programme has successfully reduced the percentage of 3-4-year-olds starting nursery with early language delay in Stoke and supported school readiness across the city.

The pilot study conducted by NEF Consulting shows that Stoke Speaks Out’s work to support children’s early language skills saves money and helps transform lives. It found that:

  • For every £1 invested in the programme’s work on schools readiness at age 5, £1.19 is created.
  • In the long-term, every £1 invested in the programme could create £4.26 of savings.

NEF Consulting’s short ROI report provides more information about how the Stoke Speaks Out programme supports children’s early language skills, educational attainment and their outcomes in later life. It highlights that Stoke Speaks Out prevents and minimises the risk of problems arising from speech, language and communication difficulties. For example, reducing the likelihood of children being NEET (not in employment, education or training), and helping to prevent youth-offending.

Find out more on Stoke Speaks Out

Read the Stoke Speaks Out ROI short report