Take part in our curriculum guidance and practice-based learning project

11 September 2024

RCSLT are hosting a number of workshops to support our reviews of curriculum guidance and practice-based learning (placements) and are keen for members to join and share their views.  

Our curriculum guidance provides a blueprint to support and guide educational leaders and partners in developing degree-level entry routes to the speech and language therapy profession. The current guidance is based around five core capabilities which have been superseded by the four domains and five core components within the professional development framework and we are keen to review and update the curriculum guidance to reflect this. 

We are also reviewing our guidance and recommendations for practice-based learning, specifically looking at the number of placement hours and the proportion that can be delivered through simulation.  

While the curriculum guidance review project is underway with an established working group, we are still recruiting to the practice-based learning working group. We are looking for representatives from all four nations and particularly from those who work within or with HEIs, those that are practice educators or clinical supervisors of students and of course, students themselves. If you are interested in being involved in this project, find out more and apply by 17 September 2024. 

The two projects will be running alongside each other to ensure synergy between both sets of updated guidance. Find out more about the projects.  

We have organised a series of online workshops to involve members in these reviews and hear your views. The workshops are themed to discuss and inform the future guidance. They may be of interest to those interested in one or both projects and you are welcome to attend one or more of them. 

  • 17 September, 10am – 2pm: Development and delivery of programmes – to include admission, staff-student ratios, assessments.   
  • 3 October, 1pm – 3pm: Professional development framework and core graduate capabilities – Vicky Harris and Steph Tempest will be on hand help to discuss the professional development framework and NQP goals and how these can be incorporated into the curriculum guidance. 
  • 8 October, 10am – 4pm: Placements – A broader discussion about the challenges and opportunities in practice-based learning with an in-depth discussion on mandatory placement hours and models of delivery, including simulation.  
  • 24 October, 10am – 3pm: Clinical areas within the curriculum and the level needed.  

Register to attend the workshops