About the project
As part of a Health Education England (HEE) funded programme to support allied health professions (AHP) workforce reform priorities, the RCSLT established project to support the drive of innovation in pre-registration practice-based learning.
Read more about the overall workforce reform programme.
Project outcomes
Case studies for research and leadership placements
This project focussed on placements with a research and / or leadership blend.
We have developed a suite of animated case studies from both the practice educator and the student perspective, highlighting the challenges, the benefits and useful tips and advice for anyone considering similar placements.
You can view the full set of resources here.
Placements in Independent Practice Working Group
This project has helped to support the running and delivery of the working group for placements in independent practice, including the administering of meetings and the analysis of survey outcomes.
The group has representation from the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP), Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Independent SLTs and RCSLT.
A set of recommendations has been developed for future work.
Placement surveys
This project has supported the development of a set of recommendations from the outcomes of three separate surveys with:
- Practice educators
- Newly-qualified practitioners
- HEI Placement leads
The surveys asked questions relating to recent placement experience including benefits, challenges and potential solutions to those challenges.