Newly qualified practitioners (NQPs) are required to complete a set of 24 goals to support learning and encourage development in the first year of practice. These are then used as evidence of readiness to transfer to a full RCSLT membership.

RCSLT is currently reviewing the NQP goals process as it has not been updated since 2017. We have received some feedback about the current process and want to ensure we have heard from as many people as possible. It is a great opportunity to make sure they fit the current and future needs of NQPs and that all work aligns with our professional development framework. We want to hear your thoughts so please do get involved and join one of our co-creation events. We hope to see as many people as possible and have a ‘bring a friend’ approach, so everyone is welcome!

We will be hosting 4 events:

  • Wednesday 26 June, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on students)
  • Thursday 27 June, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on current NQPs)
  • Tuesday 2 July, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on managers and supervisors)
  • Tuesday 2 July, 7pm – 8pm (open to all)