RCSLT Connect Wales: One Wales, One Profession

12 June 20249.15am

The first of the RCSLT Connect events will be taking place in Wales on 12 June at Metrople Hotel Venue and Spa in Llandrindiod Wells, where members will have the opportunity to connect with other SLTs, hear the latest policy updates, and further develop their practice.  

By attending this event delegates will: 

  • Increase their awareness of the policy context and the benefits of a one-Wales approach. 
  • Share, learn and be inspired by best practice examples in key areas and explore opportunities to spread best practice across Wales. 
  • Hear updates on RCSLT current and future work and projects applicable to Wales members and why and how members can get involved. 
  • Learn more about all Wales initiatives and contribute to developments. 
  • Have protected networking time to help develop closer professional links with Wales based colleagues and RCSLT staff.  
  • Recognise the achievements of SLTs across Wales in the past 12 months. 

View the draft programme.

Register for the event now.


RCSLT Cysylltu Cymru: Cymru’n Un, Un Proffesiwn

Cynhelir digwyddiad cyntaf RCSLT Cysylltu yng Nghymru ar 12 Mehefin yng Ngwesty a Sba y Metropole yn Llandrindod, lle caiff aelodau gyfle i gysylltu gyda therapyddion lleferydd ac iaith eraill, cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am bolisïau a datblygu eu hymarfer ymhellach.

Drwy fynychu’r digwyddiad hwn bydd cynrychiolwyr yn:

  • Cynyddu eu hymwybyddiaeth o gyd-destun polisi a manteision dull gweithredu Cymru’n Un.
  • Rhannu, dysgu a chael eu hysbrydoli gan enghreifftiau o arfer gorau mewn meysydd allweddol ac ymchwilio cyfleoedd i ledaenu arfer gorau ar draws Cymru.
  • Cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am waith presennol a dyfodol RCSLT a phrosiectau perthnasol i aelodau Cymru a pham a sut y gall aelodau gymryd rhan.
  • Dysgu mwy am gynlluniau Cymru-gyfan a chyfrannu at ddatblygiadau.
  • Cael amser rhwydweithio wedi’i ddiogelu i helpu datblygu cysylltiadau proffesiynol agosach gyda chydweithwyr a staff RCSLT sy’n seiliedig yng Nghymru.
  • Cydnabod llwyddiannau therapyddion lleferydd ac iaith dros y 12 mis diwethaf.

Gweld y rhaglen ddrafft.

Cofrestru ar gyfer y digwyddiad nawr.