Pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies – project structure

This page offers an explanation of each of the pre-registration EDS competencies project’s three phases.

Phase one: write pre-registration EDS competencies

Time frame: October 2020 – February 2021

Goal of phase one: Write and deliver pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing (EDS) competencies, which are aligned to other Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) partners’ pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies, by February 2021.

This phase is now complete. Download the competencies (PDF).

Have questions or feedback about the pre-registration EDS competencies? Let us know.

Phase two: identify current gaps

Time frame: March – September 2021

Goal of phase two: Identify current gaps in pre-registration education and training delivery and identify examples of current good practice and understand areas requiring further support to embed the aligned pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies.

This phase is now complete.

Achievements of phase two: We continued to work collaboratively with clinicians, HEIs and learners to better understand the support they need and to develop resources to aid implementation.

You said… In response, we…
The competency framework needed to explicitly account for cultural competence and sensitivity. Updated the framework to further emphasise the importance of cultural competence.
There needed to be further explanation around what counts as one hour of EDS exposure. Drafted guidance on what constitutes an hour of eating, drinking and swallowing exposure (PDF).
There needed to be a clear list of which competencies must be completed in a clinical setting. Drafted guidance on which competencies require face-to-face exposure in the clinical setting (PDF).
There was a lack of clarity around learners’ EDS capability at graduation. Drafted guidance on the end-point expectations for learners graduating with the pre-registration EDS competencies.
Individualised support was needed to ease the implementation process. Held individual meetings with each HEI to discuss any questions or concerns regarding implementation, and reviewed gap analyses submitted by HEIs in order to better understand what support would be needed in each individual case and to answer any further questions.
More guidance was needed regarding practice placements and signing off the competencies. Held a series of webinars to explain the framework and provide further guidance on meeting the exposure hours requirement and signing off the practical competencies.
In order to support HEIs in implementing the required EDS exposure hours, there should be a central place for learners to log their hours. Began to develop an online exposure hours log within the existing student CPD diary, which will be delivered in phase three.
Accessible simulation resources would be key to ensuring completion of the exposure hours and the practical competencies. Began scoping existing simulation options and providers in order to deliver a simulation/technology-enhanced learning package in phase three.

Have questions or feedback about the pre-registration EDS competencies? Let us know.

Phase three: engage the wider RCSLT membership

Time frame: October 2021 – September 2026

Goal of phase three: Engage the wider RCSLT membership to align pre-registration competencies into practice whilst supporting all stakeholders identified in phase one and two.

This goal will be achieved by ensuring that:

  • There is evidence that all new graduates achieve pre-registration EDS competencies at the point of graduation and there is a clear roadmap for delivering pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies in all UK speech and language therapy pre-registration courses.
  • There will be resources easily available to support achievement of competencies.
  • New graduates and employers will have clear information on what is expected of them.
  • A community of practice will be established to support the ongoing work.
  • There will be an opportunity to review the wider RCSLT Dysphagia Training and Competency Framework, and other EDS-related competency frameworks.

Planned activities for this year (October 2021 – October 2022)

  • Deliver a simulation/technology-enhanced learning package to support implementation
  • Deliver an online log which learners can use to track EDS exposure hours
  • Develop communities of practice, which will be a group of individuals with a keen interest in pre-registration EDS competencies that will help to develop resources that can be shared across organisations to aid implementation and support their ongoing development.
  • Deliver a webinar to review resources available to support implementation.
  • Work with non-EDS trained members and paediatric EDS members to identify and develop further supporting materials.

Have questions or feedback about the pre-registration EDS competencies? Let us know.

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