
Here you will find a summary of evidence and research relating to supervision for speech and language therapists. This includes:

  • Finding evidence
  • Systematic reviews
  • Journal articles
  • Expert opinion

Visit the RCSLT Research Centre for information and resources to support your evidence-based practice; ways to enhance your continuing professional development (CPD); information about clinical academic careers; resources to help you get involved in research, and much more.

Please contact us with any feedback on these pages.

Finding evidence

Access research articles through our RCSLT Journals Collection and more resources to support using evidence based practice in our Research Centre.

Systematic reviews

Dawson, M., Phillips, B., & Leggat, S. (2013). Clinical supervision for allied health professionals: a systematic review. Journal of allied health, 42(2), 65-73.

Philippa Pearce, Bev Phillips, Margaret Dawson, Sandra G. Leggat, (2013) Content of clinical supervision sessions for nurses and allied health professionals: A systematic review, Clinical Governance: An International Journal, Vol. 18 Issue: 2, pp.139-154.

Pollock A., Campbell P., Deery R., Fleming M., Rankin J., Sloan G. & Cheyne H. (2017) A systematic review of evidence relating to clinical supervision for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73(8), 1825–1837.

Journal articles

Dawson, M., Phillips, B., & Leggat, S. G. (2012). Effective clinical supervision for regional allied health professionals – the supervisee’s perspective. Australian Health Review, 36(1), 92-97.

Ho, D. W. L. & Whitehill, T. Clinical supervision of speech-language pathology students: Comparison of two models of feedback International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11(3) 244-55

Kilminster, S., Cottrell, D., Grant, J., & Jolly, B. (2007). AMEE Guide No. 27: Effective educational and clinical supervision. Medical teacher, 29(1), 2-19.

Martin P, Copley J, Tyack Z (2013) Twelve tips for effective clinical supervision based on a narrative literature review and expert opinion. Medical Teacher 36(3) 201-7

Saxby, C., Wilson, J., & Newcombe, P. (2015). Can clinical supervision sustain our workforce in the current healthcare landscape? Findings from a Queensland study of allied health professionals. Australian Health Review, 39(4), 476-482.

Expert opinion

ASHA (2008). Clinical supervision in speech-language pathology: technical report.

Care Quality Commission. (2013) Supporting information and guidance: Supporting effective clinical supervision.

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