About the project


This project aims to update clinical guidance, resources and competency framework for dysphagia/EDS and the role of speech and language therapy.   

The project objectives and final outputs will be agreed at the first project meeting, but generally will: 

  • provide a ‘one stop shop’ for SLTs to find information on dysphagia/EDS 
  • provide and collate best practice guidance for SLTs working in dysphagia/EDS 
  • define the role of speech and language therapy within this clinical area 
  • identify workforce and requirements and issues in this clinical area 
  • promote the SLTs role within this clinical area to external stakeholders 
  • produce a dysphagia/EDS competency framework for SLTs which aligns with the professional development framework 


As part of this project, we would like the author group to update the online guidance, resources and the 2014 dysphagia competency frameworkCurrent information about dysphagia/EDS can be found on the clinical guidance pages. 

Activities and timelines

All timelines at this stage are estimates and will be finalised during scoping stage.

Activity Timing (estimated)
Author working group established September 2023
Scoping January 2024
Write and agree consultation draft January – August 2024
Member and public consultation August/Sept 2024
Review feedback and update draft October 2024
Finalise and approve Oct/Nov 2024
Publish and promote Early 2025

If you have any further questions about the project please contact kathleen.graham@rcslt.org

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