Mental health, learning disabilities and autism

About the project

Health Education England (HEE) has a target to raise awareness of the role of SLTs working in mental health, SLTs role in diagnosing and treating autism and the new ways of working with learning disabilities. Evidence indicates that those who have mental ill health, a learning disability and/or autism can be at greater risk for having speech or swallowing difficulties suggesting more needs to be done to support these people.

Therefore, the RCSLT aimed to collate examples of SLTs working in mental health, autism and learning disabilities and increase the profile of their role. In addition, using updated RCSLT guidance on working in these areas, 3 animations will be created, demonstrating what SLTs can do to support people with mental ill health, learning disabilities and autism.

Read more about the overall workforce reform programme.


The purpose of this project was to raise the profile of SLTs working in mental health, learning disabilities and autism by collating case study examples of SLTs working in these areas. Two videos were also created, demonstrating what SLTs are able to do to support people with mental ill health and learning disabilities.

Project outcomes

Two animated videos have been developed, illustrating the role of SLTs in mental health and learning disabilities. New guidance on autism is currently out for consultation so production of a third video on autism is on hold until the new guidance, which is currently out for consultation, is finalised.

This project was extended to allow time to develop the animated video illustrating the role of the SLT in autism, as described above.

In addition, career profile case studies were developed to promote and demonstrate the variation of specific roles for SLTs working in mental health, learning disabilities and autism.

All extended work has now been completed and will be added to the website as soon as possible.

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