CPLOL study day

10 September 2020

The RCSLT CPLOL Action Group is hosting a unique professional development event at St Andrew’s Football Ground in Birmingham on 6 November. The event will focus on supporting SLTs and other allied health professionals (AHPs) to consider ways to make their services more inclusive of people from different linguistic and cultural groups.

The day will include keynote presentations from two experts in the field, Professor Wiebke Scharff-Rethfeldt from Hochschule Bremen, Germany, and Dr Julie Marshall from Manchester Metropolitan University. The programme also offers opportunities to hear from UK clinicians who are using the latest evidence to make their services more inclusive. In addition, there will be structured group activities to support delegates to reflect on how they could implement change in their own services to ensure they meet the needs of local populations more effectively.

RCSLT CPLOL delegate Mark Jayes said: “We are really excited to host our first RCSLT CPLOL Study Day and are thrilled to be joined by such excellent keynote speakers. Through the CPLOL network, we have privileged access to a wealth of experience and expertise across Europe and we hope to harness this to bring further development opportunities to UK SLTs for many years to come.”

The registration fee for the event is £15, which includes lunch and refreshments. A limited number of places are still available, so to reserve your place send an email to clinical.training1@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk with your name, job title, name of organisation and contact number. Or call 0121 466 6520 and press option 2.

To learn more about CPLOL visit cplol.eu