Free training developed for justice system to support people with speech, language and communication needs

2 May 2019

Professionals in the criminal justice system can now access the UK’s first free online training programme to recognise and support young people and adults with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

The Box elearning package, developed by The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), enables communication barriers to be broken down, saving time, frustration and money, and, most importantly, improving outcomes for people with SLCN.

It is relevant to those working in youth-offending teams, probation officers, prison staff, the police and other professionals in the courts system; including judges, barristers, and solicitors.

Research shows that between 66% and 90% of young offenders have low language skills, with 46-47% of these being in the poor or very poor range*

Written by experts in the field – speech and language therapists working in the criminal justice system – the flexible elearning contains a series of 10 modules which people can choose to undertake in their own time. They include training on how to:

  • recognise and understand the potential impact of SLCN on individuals
  • understand and manage communication breakdown
  • develop strategies to support people they work with
  • design and adapt written information to make it more accessible

The Box also includes training on legislative responsibilities and how to commission speech and language therapy services within the criminal justice sector.

To access The Box, visit:

*66-90% of young offenders have low language skills, with 46-67% of these being in the poor or very poor range. (Bryan, K., Freer, J. and Furlong, C. (2007), Language and Communication Difficulties in Juvenile Offenders. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 42 (5), 505-520).