Have your say on updated AAC guidance 

3 August 2023

RCSLT is seeking views on updated guidance and resources about augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) are the tools and strategies that support individuals to achieve their basic human right to be heard and included in an equitable way. The consultation is part of a project to review and update existing RCSLT information and resources for AAC and the role of speech and language therapy.  

The consultation is open to all members and stakeholders, and we are particularly keen to hear from speech and language therapists who work with AAC users, as well as AAC service users and their supporters, and charities and organisations who help support AAC users. 

We are seeking feedback and input on the content below: 

The clinical guidance aims to support RCSLT members to recognise, assess, and offer intervention to people who may benefit from AAC tools or techniques and provide clarity about the role of SLTs working with AAC users. The public webpages provide information for the general public around AAC and describes an SLTs role in assessing and offering intervention to people who may benefit from AAC tools or techniques. 

Please provide your feedback by completing our survey by 5pm on Monday 18 September 2023.  

Complete the survey


If have any queries, please contactstephanie.holderness@rcslt.org.