Pre-registration practice-based learning guidance: consultation opens

12 October 2020

An expert RCSLT group that includes NHS clinicians, independent SLTs and colleagues from UK higher education institutions (HEIs) has been working on the development of pre-registration practice-based learning guidance.

The final version of this guidance will replace the RCSLT National Standards for Practice-based Learning  (January 2006), with the aim of ensuring that speech and language therapy pre-registration practice-based learning is:

  • successful in developing a future workforce of competent speech and language therapists
  • delivered in supportive and quality assured clinical teaching and learning environments
  • sustainable and available to meet the demand of student numbers in HEIs
  • a collaborative responsibility between SLTs in practice and HEIs, to support the future speech and language therapy workforce.

The consultation survey can be found here. Full details of how to complete the survey are provided in the introduction.

Please share this survey widely with your networks.

The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 6 November 2020.