Black Lives Matter: An update on the RCSLT’s diversity and anti-racism work

24 July 2020

Since the release of our Black Lives Matter statement, the RCSLT has been working to implement the four anti-racist pledges that were outlined – please see the progress updates below.

We want to take our members with us on this journey, and in doing so understand the need to be transparent about the work we are doing internally:

Promote greater visibility of BAME members across all RCSLT communications channels

  • An audit of the images on our website has been conducted. As a result, the 15 most visited pages have been edited in order to better reflect the diversity of our profession and the communities we serve. A list of these pages will be available on our social media soon.
  • We have partnered with @SLTsofColour on Instagram to help us in featuring a wider and more inclusive range of profiles in our ongoing ‘Faces of SLTs’ series. To get involved, message @SLTsofColour or @RCSLT on Instagram.
  • In the July issue of Bulletin we have launched the new column ‘Focus on Diversity’; a space dedicated to showcasing the voices and experiences of Black, Asian and ethnic minority SLTs. Going forward, this column will be a permanent section within Bulletin. If you are interested in contributing, email
  • Bulletin will actively seek case studies of members from Black, Asian and ethnic minority SLTs to use within the magazine. To get involved email 
  • The RCSLT careers promotion working group is in discussions to develop more diverse images and material to be used in careers promotion materials, with plans to continue an ongoing project of filming collateral with student SLTs when COVID-19-related restrictions ease.

Hold a profession-wide online event, led by members of the BAME community

  • Plans to hold a Town Hall event are underway, with RCSLT staff working collaboratively with the membership to identify a date, aims and a planning committee.

A platform/safe space for BAME members, including SLT students

  • An ‘anti-racist forum’ has been established on our new professional networks platform. It is currently being trialled by members from the diversity working group, and plans for a closed group for BAME members will be discussed at the Town Hall event.

Encourage our membership to learn and engage more through literature

  • Working with our membership, an RCSLT anti-racist reading and resources list was published in the July issue of Bulletin, with an extended version published to the website.
  • Plans for an intersectional ‘Lunch and Learn’ for RCSLT staff are underway.
  • Staff are working in conjunction with academics and members to produce an intersectional reading and resources list for RCSLT board members.
  • Our placement guidance is set to be updated; a sub-author has been appointed and consultations with staff have begun.

Updates on this work will be continue through our enewsletter and social media channels. Thank you to all of the members of the speech and language therapy community who joined the conversation on this topic and who are working with us on this ongoing initiative.

As of 24 July, we would like to announce a number of developments in this workstream:

  • The RCSLT’s anti-racism online forum for all members is now live. We are looking forward to working with you to ensure it is a useful and engaging space.
  • The RCSLT and other AHP representatives met with CAHPO to discuss priorities to deliver system change within the NHS in the context of diversity and anti-racism.
  • We encourage any interested Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) members to apply for the Business of Healthcare scholarship programme, created to support BAME healthcare professionals in pursuing their leadership careers.

Find out more about the RCSLT’s anti-racism work.