Scotland’s AAC services: 2020 report

27 August 2020

Between January and March 2020, the RCSLT worked with the SLT Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Leaders Network and members of the AAC Collaborative in Scotland on two parallel surveys looking at how Scotland’s AAC Law has impacted on AAC equipment and support provision.

The reports on these two surveys aim to support progress towards delivery of stakeholders’ shared vision for people who use AAC. They:

  • describe the impact of the AAC legislation since commencement in March 2018, from the perspective of SLTs and AAC service users; and
  • make recommendations for action by Scottish Government, NHS boards, local authority partners and third sector organisations.

The survey of AAC users was carried out by AAC Collaborative member Andy Higgins. He has created an animated video report that sets out the views of AAC service users and their families as captured in the survey.

The survey of SLT perspectives generated the report, ‘Scotland’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication Services: still some way from the vision’ by Debbie Jans and Kim Hartley Kean. You can read the written report, or watch an animated video version.

What next?

The RCSLT and partners will be promoting the reports over the coming months.

For more information on the service users survey, email

For more information on the SLT survey, email