The role of speech and language therapists in the prison service

1 May 2024

The RCSLT recently held a webinar with North London Mental Health Partnership (NLMHP) on the career in the prison service for speech and language therapy.  

Held on 26 March, ‘Behind the prison walls: What do speech and language therapists do?’ featured three sector experts.  

Dr Kim Turner has worked as an SLT for 20 years and is now researching all areas of the criminal justice system for Manchester Metropolitan University.  

Eve Brotzel and Midge Cameron are speech and language therapists (SLTs) who work in prisons and secure settings for North London Mental Health Partnership (NLMHP). 

‘Behind the prison walls’ delved into some of the common misconceptions surrounding working in prisons. The panellists explained how the people they work with in criminal justice have faced many challenges in life and it’s a privilege to work with and support them.  

The culture in prisons is collaborative, with a good team spirit and opportunity for interdisciplinary working, with the primary healthcare team, neurodevelopmental team and with prison staff. There is also focus on supporting people towards release – developing core functional skills to support with interviews and making connections with local job centres.  

The webinar discussed how to find placements and where to look for jobs at North London Mental Health Partnership and via NHS jobs. The panel offered important advice to people who are interested in pursuing a career as a speech and language therapist in the prison service.   

Watch the webinar online