Vacancy survey

The RCSLT have published the results from our vacancy and recruitment survey, which identifies trends and issues with recruitment in the speech and language therapy profession.

Our latest vacancy and recruitment survey is now open. The survey is open to anyone who manages a speech and language therapy service, whether it is based in the NHS or not, as well as those managing SLTs across different settings. Please complete the survey by 28 February 2025.

Below are the results of our last survey, conducted in the Spring of 2024.

299 speech and language therapy services responded to the survey. The results show that recruitment is challenging across multiple levels of the profession.


  • 17% SLT vacancy rate (both NHS and independent sector) 
  • 16% SLT vacancy rate for both NHS Children’s and Adults SLT services  
  • 25% NHS SLT vacancy rate in services supporting people with learning disabilities  
  • The independent sector SLT vacancy rate is higher (20%) than it is in NHS services (16%) 
  • 27% of independent SLT services said they were contracted to the NHS to provide SLT services 
  • 32% of independent SLT services also said they had to turn down new or extended contracts in the last year because they couldn’t recruit qualified SLTs 
  • 66% of SLT services said that Band 6 posts were the most difficult to recruit to, while 25% of services said this was the case for Band 5 posts.  


  • 19% of SLT posts are vacant (NHS and independent sector)
  • 26% of SLT posts in NHS learning disability services are vacant 
  • Just under a quarter of London’s SLT posts are vacant 


  • 17% of SLT posts are vacant (NHS and independent sector) 

Northern Ireland 

  • 14% of NHS SLT posts are vacant – NB Only one independent sector SLT service responded 


  • 6% vacancy rate across NHS SLT services – no responses were received from the independent sector. 

Band 3: Mixed experience recruiting = 12%, Difficult to recruit = 4%, Easy to recruit = 61%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 23% Band 4: Mixed experience recruiting = 19%, Difficult to recruit = 6%, Easy to recruit = 52%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 23% Band 5: Mixed experience recruiting = 43%, Difficult to recruit = 27%, Easy to recruit = 19%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 11% Band 6: Mixed experience recruiting = 22%, Difficult to recruit = 66%, Easy to recruit = 9%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 7% Band 7: Mixed experience recruiting = 23%, Difficult to recruit = 45%, Easy to recruit = 9%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 23% Band 8: Mixed experience recruiting = 20%, Difficult to recruit = 13%, Easy to recruit = 12%, N/A no view or no recent experience = 55%