Consultation on our position on thickened fluids

31 October 2023

RCSLT is seeking members’ views on a new position paper looking at the use of thickened fluids in the management of dysphagia.

Following the publication of our position statement on the use of thickened fluids in March 2023, we have now developed a position paper which aims to support SLTs to consider the best available evidence on the use of thickened fluids in the assessment, treatment and management of dysphagia.

The paper was developed for the RCSLT by three lead authors and an expert working group of SLTs.

We are seeking feedback on the draft position paperĀ from members with an interest in this area.

Read the draft position paper

You can provide comments by completing a short survey by 8am on Wednesday 22 November.

Complete the survey

We will also be holding a listening event on 30 November at 2pm for members to have the opportunity to discuss their thoughts on the paper, understand the background to its development and ask the lead authors any questions. Please register if you would like to attend this event.