22 April 2024
As the NHS in England marks Greener AHPs week, the RCSLT is looking for members to get involved in developing our first ever position statement on greening SLT practice
At the RCSLT, we know that sustainability is a priority for our members and the profession and has been for many years, with existing networks and resources available. Our page on RCSLT and the Environment sets out our current policies. In line with our five year vision, we are now bringing this work together in the form of a statement from the professional body.
Sustainable SLT practice it is not just about recycling, energy, and travel through considering the reuse of technologies and kits, the required power to run devices and scans and car usage (although these are all important considerations). We can also play active roles in prevention, health promotion and empowerment for the people we work with to create a more sustainable health service and a healthier population.
The RCSLT’s vision says that we aspire to be ‘a profession that actively engages in supporting environmental sustainability.’ For the organisation, the vision says that we will ‘invest to support sustainability and lower our carbon footprint.’ We’re aiming to combine the practices and policies already in place and we need members’ help to do so.
There’s lots of opportunities to get involved in this work, you may want to play a role in developing our position, or just be part of a wider group we consult – it’s up to you. As a tangible and positive contribution and as an antidote to climate anxiety, this could be what you can do.
To find out how to volunteer, offer opinions or ask questions, please contact Derek Munn, derek.munn@rcslt.org