Update to the CPD diary

23 October 2019

Since the new RCSLT website launched in November 2018, we have been working with members to improve the way the way the CPD diary works.

We have received a lot of helpful feedback from members on functionalities included in the new CPD diary that have been welcomed, as well as some areas that were in need of improvement.

Following on from the RCSLT’s CPD Diary statement earlier this year, we will soon be releasing a ‘mark 2’ version of the diary which we feel better meets the member needs and includes:

  • The ability to add multiple documents and links as evidence.
  • All diary entries in one place alongside all members’ historical diary data.
  • The NQP goals all listed with full descriptions and background detail.
  • An improved supervisor approval process.

In light of the forthcoming HCPC audit, we will be phasing out the use of the historical CPD diary on a gradual basis. A second update of member CPD data will be undertaken in September 2019, following which, we will be encouraging members to transition to the new diary for the new CPD year.

All members’ historical CPD data will be transferred to the new version of the diary but, if you have any queries about your data or the release of the new diary, please get in touch with us via the contact us form.