An update from the December Board meeting

13 December 2021

The RCSLT’s Board of Trustees met this month to discuss wide-ranging issues, including agreeing a new five year vision for the profession and overseeing the finances and governance of the RCSLT.

The Board were joined by member Irma Donaldson, who took part in the meeting as one element of the Future Leaders programme that she is currently on.

The meeting opened with an inspiring member story from Jackie McRae, who talked about her life and career journey, including her experiences as an SLT who is Jewish.

The Board went on to approve the new five year vision for the profession and the RCSLT, and followed up with a discussion of the operational plan for 2022-2023.

Next, the Board reviewed plans for setting up the new Nominations Committee, which will be responsible to the Board for developing a diverse and representative pipeline of future leaders, and making sure we have the right mix of skills at Board and committee level.

If you’d like to find out more about the Board meeting, you can download the minutes (PDF).

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