Date and venue details

  • Thursday 6 December 2018
  • Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, Coram St, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1HT

This interactive event was packed full of resources and advice to prepare students for their career in speech and language therapy.

The event offered students the chance to find out what speech and language therapy managers look for in job applicants; learn what it’s really like to be a newly-qualified practitioner; and much more.

The National Student Study Day gave delegates the opportunity to meet and network with other SLT students from across the UK, as well as learn more about the RCSLT and how we can support students and NQPs throughout their career.

Aims and objectives

By attending the RCSLT National Student Study Day, delegates:

  • Understood which essential skills and knowledge will be in demand for the future
  • Heard the latest tips and trends from managers recruiting newly-qualified practitioners about what they are looking for in the NQP of today
  • Found out what essential information students will need to know to support them to complete their RCSLT newly-qualified practitioner framework in their first role/s
  • Learned from SLTs whose careers have taken them into a range of varied clinical areas and related roles
  • Understood the vital role that students and future practitioners play in building networks in the profession, and how they can support the transition from student to newly-qualified practitioner
  • Took advantage of a unique networking opportunity to help begin their journey in the profession

For more details, please see the programme.


Please note that presentations are available subject to author’s consent.

NQP posters

*Please note that posters are available subject to author’s consent

Careers posters

*Please note that posters are available subject to author’s consent

Research posters

*Please note that posters are available subject to author’s consent

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